Motor third party liability insurance is mandatory in Lithuania. These are the main things that are worth to know in order to avoid additional difficulties.

If your vehicle has a valid Green Card document issued by any of the Ukrainian insurance companies, it is valid until its validity expires. If you do not have a printed copy of your Green Card with you or if you are unsure about its validity, you can check it on the official website of Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine:

If your Green Card has already expired, here are several options that you can do:

  • contact any of the Ukrainian insurance companies and purchase a new Green Card. You can find a list of Ukrainian insurance companies here;
  • purchase a Frontier Insurance Policy, which provides an insurance coverage in the whole territory of the European Economic Area. This allows a free travel from one European country to another. The validity of the Frontier Insurance Policy issued by any of the Lithuanian insurance company is at least 15 days and no longer than 90 days. You can find a list of Lithuanian insurers here.

If you plan to stay for a little bit longer, we suggest to consider registering your vehicle in Lithuania.

You can download these recommendations in English and Ukrainian languages.